11 Signs You Are Overwhelmed and Have Anxiety in Your Chakras

Emotions of overwhelm and fear that are suppressed for a long period of time, evolve into anxiety.

I’ve been battling intense anxiety for a few months now.  If you would have asked me at the beginning of this year what “anxiety” feels like – I’d probably describe feeling “anxious” – but they’re very different.

It started out small, but I realized how big of an issue it was only a few weeks ago – when I started having anxiety attacks in the middle of my sleep.

recognizing anxiety LADYSCORPIOBLOG.COM

As I began to observe and diagnose myself, I wanted to analyze which of my chakras were being most affected – I realized they were ALL out of balance, but it didn’t start out that way.

Anxiety will often begin in the 1st chakra, but over time, will slowly manifest into all of the above chakras.

Here are the signs of anxiety you should be looking for and the chakra it is manifesting within.

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Manifestation within the 1st Chakra

You excessively worry

  • Go outside and ground yourself with the earth
  • Ask yourself, “What do I fear in this moment?”


You have a loss of appetite or your are overeating

  • Try establishing an eating routine. Eat a healthy diet and at the same time every day.
  • With a loss of appetite, eat smaller snacks throughout the day.
  • Eat healthy foods that give you the proper nutrients your body needs.
  • Exercise consistently every morning – this will help your cravings or lack there of.

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Manifestation within the 2nd Chakra

You are moody / emotional

  • Express yourself with a good friend/family member (don’t be afraid to ask for help!)
  • Write about how you feel
  • Schedule a day to REST
  • Indulge in guilty pleasures
  • Take time for yourself and implement self-care strategies that balance your Sacral chakra.
  • (Refer to 4th chakra balancing tips)

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Manifestation within the 3rd Chakra

You lack energy

  • Eat healthy foods that are “light” and “easy” on your digestive system, such as
  • Start your day with a vigorous workout
  • Take time to relax in the Sun (this is the planet associated with the solar plexus chakra).  The Sun is our best source to vitamin D, which regulates the calcium in your bones, your immune function, hormone levels, and much more!
  • (Refer to Night Rituals + 7th Chakra balancing tips)


You are high-strung and stressed out

  • Avoid caffeine intake
  • Meditation (or quiet time) must be a priority
  • Start your day with high interval training or an intense workout
  • Break down large tasks into small ones
  • Schedule “play time” every day
  • (Refer to Grounding + 1st Chakra balancing tips)

You lack motivation

  • Create goals, then reward yourself for each goal. This brings the feelings of “achievement” and is proven to be addictive.
  • Seek discipline
  • (Refer to 6th chakra balancing tips)

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Manifestation within the 4th Chakra

You’re neglecting your personal time and needs

  • Ask yourself, “Where am I neglecting myself and my needs?” – get clear and take action on one per day.
  • “What does balance look like to me?”
  • Drink herbal tea daily, such as green tea
  • Create a self-care ritual

You’re avoiding your intimate relationships (with yourself and others)

  • “What relationships are most important to me?” – get clear and reach out to one per day.

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Manifestation within the 5th Chakra

You’re isolating yourself

  • This can be essential to improve your overall well-being.  Take advantage of this time to get familiar with your energy and focus on taking care of yourself.  If you stay isolated without fulfilling the desired goal(s), it can bring loneliness.
  • Create something – art is a beautiful way to get intimate with yourself

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Manifestation within the 6th Chakra

You have difficulty focusing

  • Break down large tasks into smaller ones
  • Find clarity by establishing a “game plan”.  Write down your goal, with all the little tasks required to reach your goal.  When things are written down, they become easier to follow.
  • Keep a planner or make a list.  Check off completed items as you go to bring the feeling of achievement.
  • Take little breaks throughout your day to refuel, and refocus the brain.

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Manifestation within the 7th Chakra

You have difficulty sleeping or you’re sleeping too much

  • Stick to a night time routine.  This will hopefully (and eventually) train your brain that it’s bedtime.
  • Go to bed at a reasonable time each night (preferably 8-10:30pm)
  • Avoid using your phone or watching tv an hour before bedtime (this relaxes your third eye, making it easier to fall asleep)
  • Practice relaxation exercises before bed to calm the mind, such as meditation, yoga, stretching, listening to calming music, etc.
  • Drink a calming tea, such as chamomile, kava, or lavender tea
  • Fall asleep to a scent that promotes relaxation such as incense or essential oils

You are always tired, no matter how much sleep you get

  • Follow a consistent night time routine
  • Eat healthy foods that give you energy
  • Exercise, not only provides mental health benefits, but may also tire you out enough physically to help you sleep and get a better night’s rest.


Which of your chakras has anxiety manifested in?

Don’t allow anxiety to have power over you – I challenge you to take charge and overcome these issues so you can start living your best life 🙂

Need help balancing your chakras? Invest in your health and wellness with a Chakra Box!

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