
The purpose of my blog is to help you awaken and rediscover the spiritual being you eternally are, by reconnecting you with your soul, which I refer to as “soulwork”.


The intent of soulwork is to help us spiritually evolve as “spiritual beings having a human experience”.

In order to truly ascend, we must first descend, embracing the dance of polarities.  As we find ourselves in the perilous paths of our shadows, we reclaim the spiritual gifts of empathy, sensitivity, self-responsibility, vulnerability, strength, truth, and inner harmony.

Soulwork is not a practice of pure light, it’s a dive deep into your shadows.  It is about meeting and making peace with all that you have rejected within yourself;  It’s time to acknowledge and explore the damaged parts of your mind, body + spirit.

Soulwork is the core need of every path + every pursuit.  Without it, our lives feel empty, powerless, directionless, and meaningless.

Without it, we remain psychologically + spiritually immature. 

Without soulwork, we may never evolve into our fullest potential we’re meant to become.

Soulwork requires real dedication + commitment.

In order to discover the truth of who we are, we must set out on the path of being a seeker.  While this path can be supported + nourished by others, it is ultimately a solitary path that demands courage, determination, persistence, vulnerability + a willingness to go DEEP.

Are you willing to awaken to your truth?

Lets Begin..


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