The 2 Types of Healthy Relationships using your Chakras

Chakras, as they interact with the outside world, are constantly interacting with other chakras.  Whether you’re meeting someone on the street or having a long-term intimate relationship, each chakra reacts to the patterns of another’s energy.  In order to better understand our relationships and interactions with others, it is helpful to understand what is happening on a chakra level.

Although there’s infinite patterns in relationships, there’s two basic kind of interactions:

  1. Those which are opposites and tend to balance each other out
  2. Those which are the same and tend to perpetuate, sustain or continue indefinitely

The first interaction is that energy tends to balance itself; opposites attract.  On a subconscious level, a person who is dominated by mental realms will unconsciously be attracted to others dominated by physical energy, even if they consciously seek out their own type.  Often it is the differences rather than the similarities that make relationships last because the differences are the core of the growth.

The second interaction is that energy patterns tend to perpetuate themselves – two people who are mentally oriented will tend to stay in mental realms with each other, and those who are physically oriented will support each other in their physical pursuits.

Chakras relate primarily on levels of their own vibration through resonance.  Therefore, if one person has a fourth chakra that is very open and her partner has one that is closed, her very openness may serve to open his closed chakra.  The reverse can be true but is less often the case.  An open chakra that finds no counterpart in the immediate vicinity will usually find outlets elsewhere.  Heavy downward emphasis in one person’s system however can pull energy out of another upper chakras, resulting in what may feel like a closing down of those centers.

Most information becomes apparent through observation.  The chakras are a great metaphor for explaining those observations.

The diagrams below of two people in a relationship might look like this:

chakra relationships together blog


Person B is largely oriented toward her upper chakras, somewhat open at the heart, though not aware of her intuitive faculties, probably due to the lack of grounding or lack of emotional information from chakra two.

Person A is well grounded, open sexually and emotionally, highly intuitive, but somewhat closed on other levels with low confidence and low self-esteem.  In actuality, these two people are well balanced.  The proximity of the three open chakras at the top would indicate a high degree of intellectual communication and learning.

Person A would be given information and communication stimulus to express their psychic faculties, perhaps awakening that quality in their partner.  He would also be uplifted from his heavy grounding by his partners emphasis on the upper chakras.  She (person B) would be brought into the physical realms by his (person A) emphasis on earth energies and through sexual contact.  The result is a balance in the heart chakra, opening each person on that level.

If this couple were to have problems, they would be in the realm of the third chakra, where neither is quite open, yet the crossing of entries indicates a high level of activity at this center.  Due to the polaric differences between them, power struggles could become quite alienating if they become the focus instead of the balancing of energies in the heart chakra.

Another example –

relationship #2 2

Here are two people who are very alike, Both are open in the upper chakras as well as the heart, but are closed in the physical realm.  These people would probably have high degree of psychic communication, lots of shared knowledge, and a strong heart connection.  Unfortunately, they would have a hard time manifesting this relationship, as neither one is grounded enough to bring it down into the real world.  While she wants sexual contact to bring this about, his sense of power does not permit this, and neither has enough magnetic pull of the lower chakras to overcome the inertia of the set patterns.  This couple would be likely to have a strong and loving platonic relationship.

“In what chakras am I open and enhance my partners chakras?”

“In what chakras is my partner strong and enhance my chakras?”

Want to learn and understand your relationship with your partner?

or best friend?

Learn how you two interact and balance each other with the FREE 10 page Chakra Relationships workbook!







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