Numerology: 2019 New Year Vibrations

According to Numerology, 2018 was a Universal “2” Year (2+0+1+8=11 / 1+1=2).  It was associated with our 2nd Chakra (Sacral – relating to your emotional identity) and in Tarot, the High Priestess.

The main theme of last year was seeking your emotional needs through balance, appreciation & cooperation with others.  It was SO IMPORTANT that you stood up for what you desired as an individual, so you could magnetize the ideal relationships for the future.

Who felt those dark + deep emotional triggers like I did?!

FINALLY, we have entered a 3 Universal Year! 2019 brings expansion to us both individually and as a collective.  It’s related to our 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) – meaning, it will be a year of action, determination, communication & ultimately stepping into your power.  If you’ve been thinking about moving to a new place or switching your career, you’re already feeling these new vibrations!

Being optimistic, creative + social will be key elements to finding success this year.

As we move toward the 3 Universal Year, the entire globe will experience similar energetic trends.  These events on the macro and micro scale don’t affect everyone in the same way, so how do we take part in this Universal Energy cycle as individuals?

Every personal Numerology chart contains a factor that describes the synchronization of our Person 9-year cycles to the Universal cycle.  This factor is derived from your personal Achievement Number.


Start by writing down the number of your day of birth

Then write the number of your month of birth

Now we add them together

If the sum of your birth month and birthday is between 1-9, you have found your Achievement Number

If the sum of your birth month and birth day is a double-digit number, continue to add the digits until you arrive at a single-digit number between 1 and 9, unless the resulting number is a Master Number 11, 22, or 33 … or Karmic Numbers 13, 14, 16, or 19

[You can also find your Achievement Number in the chart below]


I suggest getting an in-depth and FREE report from like I did!  I’ve included a few traits that the Achievement Numbers hold for 2019 below!


Achievement Number 1

You are a natural leader, self-directed, innovative + individualistic person. Focus on cooperating with others, even when you’re ahead of the game.  You’ll find it easy to get things started, but it may not be easy to keep up the momentum or finish them, so the willingness to work with others will help you accomplish your goals this year.


Achievement Number 2

Your basic instinct is to get things done through teamwork, cooperation + partnership!  Thinking independently and being yourself, wile working together with qualified people are important qualities that should be cultivated this year.  Learn the difference between cooperation and submission, and you’ll find that your empathic and intuitive abilities will never fail to help you move forward!


Achievement Number 3

You are communicative, social + creative (just like this universal 3 year)! These traits will help you through social opportunities.  Make sure you know where to distribute your energy, by staying consistent and following through.  Work with others to develop strategic financial goals and make it your top priority to stick with them.  Doing this will take very little time away from your fun activities and will insure your success!


Achievement Number 4

You are the solid and reliable vibration (also known as the “builder” who loves order + structure).  Putting things in order and sticking with your projects and efforts until they are done can make you happy – Creating routines and systematic methods that support your long-term goals, while being flexible enough to change them will guarantee your success!


Achievement Number 5

You hold the freedom, and variety-loving vibration who’s loves adventure!  Stay grounded in the midst of change, you’ll need this skill to find opportunities hidden within change this year. Embrace the change and stay flexible!


Achievement Number 6

The most domestic of the vibrations (you’re probably the parent among your friends).  Your harmony-seeking nature and readiness to do the right thing will sometimes attract people who would like to take advantage of you.  Be clear with what’s in your best interest, and you’ll have a successful year!


Achievement Number 7

You have an interest in the mysteries of the world and mind.  Your curious mind and strong intuitive and analytical skills will always work best when you share them with others.  Living within yourself will cause problems in both social and financial aspects.  Share your knowledge, humor, and experience with others and you will thrive in 2019!


Achievement Number 8

Most people with this number have a strong desire to take control of their circumstances and their future.  Some stay focused on a purely materialistic way of life – don’t do that this year!  The key to real success is being practical about building an emotional  support system based on compassion, empathy, and sharing.


Achievement Number 9

You are capable of standing behind great success, as long as you’re willing to sacrifice for something.  Be careful not to expect too much from others, or of yourself.  Its known that 9 holds the attributes of all single-digit or Fadic numbers within it, which means you will easily attract and internalize the emotions of others.  Embrace that empathy and you will rise this year!


Achievement Number 11

You possess excellent analytical abilities + powerful intuition!  There may be times you don’t feel appreciated, but if you don’t take it personally, you’ll easily master the skills necessary for achieving prosperity and abundance!


Achievement Number 13

(A karmic number) You tend to be innovative, and other will notice your talent for making dreams into reality through the use of your skills and intuitive nature.  Do your own thing in business or otherwise building prosperity, and avoid getting over-involved in the debt system, and you will achieve tremendous success.


Achievement Number 14

(A karmic number) You may often find that you attract conditions to which you respond excessively, especially when you face limitations or delays.  If you cultivate the ability to stay balanced energetically and combine that with your natural talent for adoption to change, you will have a smooth year!


Achievement Number 16

(A karmic number) You may find yourself in situations where playing by the rules doesn’t work, but following your intuition does. Learn to follow your instincts and gut feelings without abandoning common sense.  If you want to achieve success, trust in your inner gifts.


Achievement Number 19

(A karmic number) It’s likely that you’re quick to jump to an extreme solutions when problems arise, but it’s important for you to focus on the long-term and follow strict protocols in order to build wealth for the future.


Achievement Number 22

Often called the mastermind, because of the organizational skill and charisma that it gives, and its power to help you carry out whatever mission you decide upon.  Get past resistance and find the will to achieve your goals, and this will be a successful year for you!


Achievement Number 33

Often associated with teaching and healing, you may attract things that challenge your loyalty, beliefs and values, and you’re often willing to stand by them.  This year, be careful on the problems you’re willing to take on and be sure to put yourself first.

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