Chakras 101: Understanding your Flows of Energy

In order to fully understand the chakras, we need to examine the free flow of energy through our energetic field.  CURRENTS OF ENERGY

We have two vertical currents of energy –

Current of Liberation: Moving upward, it begins as the earth and rises through the body, step by step, gaining increasing freedom from the limitations of the physical world.  The journey to consciousness allows us to wake up to new possibilities and liberate ourselves from constricting or compulsive behaviors.

Current of Manifestation: Descends towards the earth.  Beginning at the crown of the head, thought forms arise and become denser and more specific with each step downward until they manifest on the physical plane.  We become grounded and connected to the earth.


It’s essential to balance both energies to live harmoniously.  You need to liberate yourself from fixed or limiting forms in order to experience the true nature of expanded consciousness.  Equally, you need to manifest your dreams and visions, bringing them into reality in order to influence the world around you.

If your upward current is blocked, you will be unable to liberate, meaning that you are limited by constricting or destructive patterns such as health problems, addictions, or compulsive activities.

If the downward current is blocked, you may have lots of ideas and talk about them, but never manifest them into existence.


In addition to the vertical currents, we also have two horizontal currents.

Current of Reception:  You receive energy from those around you in the form of information, emotions, love, or touch. 

Current of Expression:  You express what’s inside of you, such as your thoughts, creativity, or your love.  

If either of these currents are blocked you may be compromised in your social life, having difficulty receiving or expressing one or more of the chakra related aspects

which chakra




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