The 3rd Chakra

chakra the solar

The Solar Plexus is the seat of your self-esteem and personal power, referred to as “your gut”.  It is associated with your confidence, metabolism, effectiveness, and willpower.  Strengthening your 3rd chakra improves your ability to act fast and take risks.  This is where we get those “butterfly” feelings when we’re nervous – When our 3rd chakra isn’t feeling powerful and confident.


Sanskrit Name – Manipura (Lustrous Gem)

Element – Fire

Purpose – Transformation

Color – Yellow

Location – Solar Plexus (Your Stomach/Gut!)

Identity – Ego Identity

Orientation – Self-definition

Demon – Shame

Animal – Ram

Symbol – Lotus with 10 petals

Sense – Sight

Planets – Mars + the Sun

Corresponding Verb – I Can

Body Parts – Digestive System + Muscles

Energy Focus – Laughter, Joy, and Willpower

Crystals – Citrine, Amber, Topaz, and all Yellow Gemstones

CHAKRA GIRL3rdmanipura

Sanskrit word “Lustrous Gem”

In the Indian Tantric tradition, Manipura – “place of gems” or “shining like a pearl” – has ten petals, with a downward pointing triangle, representing the element of fire at the center.  Depending on the culture, the ten petals can be seen as gold, yellow or even red! 

The meanings of the ten petals are:

1. Spiritual ignorance

2. Thirst

3. Jealousy

4. Treachery

5. Shame

6. Fear

7. Disgust

8. Delusion

9. Foolishness

10. Sadness

Each an aspect to overcome at this chakra level before proceeding to work on purifying the Heart Chakra.  (Remember, the three major chakras located beneath the Heart (4th) chakra are concerned with the physical body and the world we perceive with our senses, whereas those above the heart are more of a spiritual nature.

which chakra

fire element

Our 3rd Chakra’s purpose is transformation.  Just as fire transforms matter to heat + light, the solar plexus transforms the passive elements of earth + water into dynamic energy + power.

Earth + water are passive, they flow downward, subject to gravity and follow the path of least resistance.  Fire, by contrast, moves upward, destroying form and takes the raw energy of matter to a new dimension, heat + light.

If we are to rise upward through the 7 chakras, it is the fire of our will power that propels that movement.  It is through our will that we liberate ourselves from fixed patterns and create new behavior.  It is through our will, that we take actions that are difficult or challenging, moving toward something new!  As we take action, we begin to transform using the power of the 3rd chakra.


Did you know?

Four out of five people who experience various stressful changes in their lives at the same time will suffer from a major illness within two years.  These major causes of stress have been identified by Dr. R. Rahe, who advises the US Army Medical Corps on treatment for servicemen suffering from combat stress:

  • Divorce
  • Personal injury or illness
  • Being fired at work or retirement
  • Sex difficulties
  • Gain or loss of a family member
  • Change in responsibilities in work
  • Change in work hours or conditions
  • Outstanding personal achievement
  • Moving house or abroad
  • Change in sleeping habits
  • Christmas
  • Minor violations of the law


Power: “the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events”

Living in a culture that has conditioned us to “submit” rather than influence us to step into our power weakens our Solar Plexus Chakra.  Of course, a balance of submission + dominance is necessary for social synergy, but if we submit ourselves too much, we begin to lose connection with our inner will, and then later find ourselves powerless against drugs, alcohol, destructive behaviors and relationships.

In a submissive paradigm, we place the power outside of ourselves; We continuously search for our power externally by looking to others for direction in every aspect, by which we set ourselves up for “victimization”.   

Becoming a victim in our own life feels empty inside – You feel powerless in all your big decisions; You often whine and complain about everything and everyone; You thrive on sympathy from others; You seem to always be morally right, and never responsible or accountable for your circumstances.

As one engages in the victim mentality, they begin to engage in activities as a way of being “seen” or “acknowledged” by others just to strengthen the ego.

Power without purpose feeds our ego, and is never fully satisfying.  If we use power for the ability to better serve the collective, now that is exactly what ignites our Solar Plexus.

will and desire

As we exercise choice, we initiate desire and will; Through exercising our will, we develop our individuality, discover our strengths and weaknesses, and begin to build the power that will direct our lives.

There’s a dance between desire and will – Your desire is the strong feeling of wanting  to have something, or wishing for something to happen;

Your Will is the state of being fully prepared for something;  Its an internal agreement within the body and mind that you’re prepared for your desire.

True will requires deep communication with the self, trust in your inner guidance, a willingness to take risks, and accepting responsibility for the outcome.

Will and desire must be aligned or we lose our passion and momentum, which ignites the power and energy you need!


Like power, our will is often associated with discipline.  

Discipline comes from the word disciple – the willingness to e a student of something.  This is where we find ourselves surrendering our will to a structure or form that brings about fulfillment of the greater will.  Your will holds more power when it is fixed on a larger purpose.

The combination of our will, desire, discipline, and power is where our “willpower” is born!


  • Responsible, Reliable
  • Balanced, Effective Will
  • Good Self-Esteem, Balanced Ego-Strength
  • Spontaneity, Playfulness, Sense of Humor
  • Ability to Meet Life’s Challenges




  • Low on energy
  • Weak will or easily manipulated
  • Poor self-discipline and following through with tasks and promises
  • Low self-esteem
  • Poor digestion and/or collapsed gut
  • Cold, emotionally and/or physically
  • Attraction to stimulants
  • Victim mentality, blaming of others
  • Passive and unreliable


  • Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling
  • Need to be right, have the last word
  • Manipulative, power hungry, deceitful
  • Attraction to sedatives
  • Temper tantrums, violent outbursts
  • Stubborness
  • Arrogant
  • Hyperactive


  • Eating disorders
  • Digestive disorders, ulcers
  • Hypoglycemia, diabetes
  • Muscle spasms, muscular disorders
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Hypertension
  • Disorders of the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver

solar plexus

Developmental Stage – 18 months to 4 years

Developmental Tasks – 

  • Realization of separateness
  • Establishment of autonomy
  • development of language
  • impulse control
  • mastery of holding on + letting go
  • toilet training.

Learning Basic Rights – To act and be an individual

Needs and Issues –

  • Appropriate discipline
  • Support of autonomy
  • Play
  • Confidence and Encouragement

Traumas and Abuses –

  • Shaming
  • Authoritarianism
  • Domination of will
  • Physical abuse
  • Age inappropriate responsibilities (parentified child)
  • Inherited shame from parent
  • Dangerous environment



  • Taking action
  • Vigorous exercise (running, aerobics, etc.)
  • Meditation
  • Psychotherapy: Building ego strength
  • Deep relaxation
  • Stress Control
  • Risk Taking
  • Energy tool kits
  • Seeking Knowledge through guides, books, podcasts, etc.

chakra sub header elementyoga

Activating your physical + energetic body means that you are igniting the prana in your body and distributing it wherever you want it to go – guided by your will.  Energy is the fuel for action and the fire of the third chakra.  Without energy, the will has no power behind it.  Intentions go unfulfilled, and the strength of the will is diminished.

Try these Yoga postures to activate your Solar Plexus Chakra


Warrior 1 Virabhadrasana

Benefits – Strengthens the legs and hips, opens the shoulders, broadens the chest, relieves sciatica, strengthens the will and builds focus!


Standing Side Stretch

Benefits – Strengthens the core, stretches intercostal muscles and expands rib cage, and opens the shoulders and chest!


Side Plank Vasisthasana

Benefits – Develops balance; builds strength in upper body, legs and torso; accentuates the core; builds stability in the wrists for further arm balances; develops will, focus and energy!



Benefits – Stimulates the upper chakras; Drains lymph and blood, then replenishes;  Strengthens the arms and shoulders;  Accentuates the core!

Want to enhance your Yoga practice? Click here

chakra sub header element blockedsolar

Do I always feel the need to be right?

Do I always have the last word?

Am I manipulative?

Am I stubborn?

Do I have a short temper?

Do I have violent outbursts?

Am I unreliable?

Do I fail to show up for myself?

Am I controlling?

Am I overly aggressive?

Do I lack self-discipline?

Am I often low on energy?

Do I have poor digestion?

Do I blame others for my problems?

Do I fall victim to most situations?

Am I shamed for my actions or appearance by myself or my peers?

Have I encountered physical abuse or lived in a dangerous environment?

Have I been bullied?

Have I struggled with an eating disorder?

Do I have any health conditions with my stomach?

Do I not allow myself enough play time?

Do I lack motivation in work and social atmospheres?

Do I often feel powerless over my life?


which of my chakras are imbalanced take quizsolar03









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