Both a Place and Feeling ♡

The importance of honoring my HOME may be one of my most valuable lessons I’ll ever learn. My home is the foundation to my life; it grounds to the earth and anchors my unique energy into the world around me. It’s the place I wake, pray, and slay my days in! When I welcome guests into my home, they are witnessing the foundation on which my husband and I have created our lives upon. Let your home be your art and tell your story ❤

Love On Me ♡

Being in love is magical; Life becomes effortless and everything starts to align.

The spirit of Cupid during this Valentine season brings much more romance and spark into our lives! It’s also a time to reflect on your relationship with both self and your significant other.

I am passionate about anything that helps with grounding or growing my personal relationships. This challenge will not only give you & your spouse 10 minutes to connect, but create a better foundation and understanding in your partnership.

Full Moon in Leo

It is time to courageously open your heart to the Full Moon in Leo on February 10th, 2017!

This sign is deeply rooted in the unification of the heart and spine. Often associated with the image of a brave lion with a full mane, Leo energy is regal, proud, confident, and empowering.

This Full Moon stands for stepping into personal strength and divine truth – the essence of pure love. Pure love is an offering of the self in an authentic and real way. This is what the Leo Full Moon is all about. Be yourself, fearlessly and meaningfully.